Restriction digests of the clone give the following sizes (kb): SalI--4.3; PstI--2.3, 2.0; XbaI--4.3; EcoRI--4.3; HindIII--4.3. Expression vector permitting production of a fusion protein and containing signal sequences for protein export. Also permits production of ssDNA and contains priming sites useful for sequencing. Encodes the ompA leader. Contains a chloramphenicol acetyltransferase gene with an amber mutation useful for "gapped-duplex" mutagenesis experiments. Expression can be induced by a temperature shift in hosts providing a temperature-sensitive lambda repressor, or by batch transduction in a growing culture to repressor-negative hosts. The order of the major features in this phagemid is: lambdaPL promoter - ompA leader - NaeI site - MCS - priming site - fd ori - pMB1 ori - bla - cat (am). |